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Capture d’écran 2020-04-11 à 13.32.09.
Capture d’écran 2020-04-11 à 13.32.17.


Scalable and Adaptable Modular Systems


Basic ISO-24 001


With the basic system, compose it with PPE supports according to your specific needs.

Mobile Protection System, may include all the PPE for the following Infection Control Precautions:*


  • Standard precautions

  • Contact precautions

  • Droplet precautions 

  • Airborne precautions

  • Full barrier precautions


  *Refer to the isolation precaution conditions in force.


ISO-24 003


The mobile protection system includes the following PPE supports:

• #G04F Gloves (4 boxes)

• #PIN01 ISO Precaution Sign Clip

• #M01 Face Mask-Ear loop style

• #PP03 Multipurpose basket

• #M05 Face Mask-Shield style
• #V01A Wipes disinfectant               cleaners
• Your container dispenser                (Hydro Alcoholic)


ISO-24 005


The mobile protection system includes the following PPE supports:

• #G04F Gloves (4 boxes)

• #M05 Face Mask-Shield style
• #PIN01 ISO Precaution Sign Clip

• #V01A Wipes disinfectant               cleaners
• #M01 Face Mask-Ear loop style

• #TA01 Small shelf for writing,        etc.


ISO-24 002


The mobile protection system includes the following PPE supports:

• #G03F Gloves (3 boxes)

• #SG20 Disposable gowns 2 X 10

• #PIN01 ISO Precaution Sign Clip 

• #T01 Facial tissue half box
• #M01 Face Mask-Ear loop style

• #PP03 Multipurpose basket

• #V01A Wipes disinfectant               cleaners
• Your container dispenser                (Hydro-Alcoholic)


ISO-24 004


The mobile protection system includes the following PPE supports:

• #G03F Gloves (3 boxes)

• #M05 Face Mask-Shield style

• #M01 Face Mask-Ear loop style

• #V01A Wipes disinfectant               cleaners

• #PIN01 ISO Precaution Sign Clip

• #SG20 Disposable gowns 2 X 10
• #PP01 Multipurpose basket            (Shoe/Head cover, etc.)


ISO-24 006


The mobile protection system includes the following PPE supports:

• #G03F Gloves (3 boxes)

• #PIN01 ISO Precaution Sign Clip

• #M01 Face Mask-Ear loop style

• #PP03 Multipurpose basket
• #PP01 Multipurpose basket 

  (Shoe/Head cover, etc.)

• #V01A Wipes disinfectant               cleaners
• #MICRO01 Hydro                            alcoholic dispenser

• #TA01 Small shelf for writing,         etc.

PPE distribution wall-mounted systems

24 "| Large capacity

ISO_logo 2020.png

One wall-mounted unit can convert PPE requirements for up to Four patient rooms, depending on the distance separating the rooms.
Each Modular Protection System may be fully personalized to fit your specific needs before the final assembly at our workshop.
The wall-mounted organizer consists mainly in a vertically oriented position designed for dispensing personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical supplies.
Installation of all modules is quick and easy to set up, stainless steel screws and wing nuts included.
Medical care personnel or any other user will have immediate access to specialized and state of the art personal protective equipment and supplies according to the conditions prevailing in their environment.

Call us toll free for a quote


or write to us at

Consumable items are for demonstration purposes only and are not available for purchase through Médic Accès.

Médic Accès inc. All rights reserved.


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